TOP 30 Professional Email Templates for Business 2020

Decided to build a productive marketing campaign and drag more customers to your business but don’t know where to start at? We have a perfect solution for you! Browse our great set of email templates for business to get the undivided attention of your clients.

Created by qualified web developers, 我们的商业电子邮件通讯模板功能强大,设计精美. Introducing your news, the updates and ads in a right way is a crucial part of any business. 这就是为什么每个商业电子邮件模板都经过了Campaign监视器的测试, MailChimp and other email services to guarantee that your content will always look neat and organized. 完全响应式设计可确保您的电子邮件在任何屏幕上看起来都很棒, no matter which device your clients are going to use.


商业通讯模板是完全适合任何类型的商业活动, providing you with diverse features from sharing the updates to sending subscriptions to broaden your client base. 购买一个通讯模板,你会看到如何准备好电子邮件将看起来像. You will also have an opportunity to set and edit your template any way you like in the Adobe editor. Layered PSD files will make it easy and headache-free.

通过我们的商务电子邮件模板,让您的客户感到惊讶并获得一些新的客户. Look through the best newsletter email templates to find out more about unlimited commercial campaign possibilities.

If you want to create a highly professional and eye-catching marketing campaign via the email, then take a look at the Ultimate Digital Marketing Bundle. This is a newbie but top-notch set of stunning elements that can raise your productivity several times over. 让我们来看看你应该注意的一些重要功能:

  • sorting for more than 15 holiday
  • fully editable and easy to customize
  • responsive design

Ultimate Marketing Bundle


Certainly, you desire to know what is hidden in this fresh bundle. Then, it’s time to show all the aces:

  • 15 newsletter templates
  • 9 fonts
  • 10 icons
  • 20 logos and illustrations
  • 6 mockups

All of these characteristics will work on your campaign and help to look at its best at any time.

I also want to offer you an opportunity to get more email templates for business at a super low price in order to choose the best of the best. You can do this with the help of our new subscription service with the name ONE. Templateog体育首页提供无限的模板下载,每月只需19美元! You just subscribe for ONE and get access to a huge bundle of products. Check out Newsletter Templates to know which items are in ONE package. 如果你是我们博客的读者,你可以节省更多的钱与促销代码 BecomeThe1. It will give you a 5% discount. Grab the spoon and don’t wait too long!

TOP 30 Professional Email Templates for Business 2020

Template Name Theme Provider Template Category Price
Business Responsive Newsletter Template WT Business & Services $14
Business Responsive Newsletter Template WT Business & Services $14
Business Email Newsletter Template WT Business & Services $14
Management Company Responsive Newsletter Template WT Management Company Templates $14
Security Responsive Newsletter Template WT Security Templates $14
Business Responsive Newsletter Template WT Business & Services $14
Business Responsive Newsletter Template WT Business & Services $14
Financial Advisor Responsive Newsletter Template WT Financial Advisor Templates $14
Business Responsive Newsletter Template WT Business & Services $14
Consulting Responsive Newsletter Template WT Consulting Templates $14
New Year Email Newsletter Template Fourdinos Business & Services $15
Century Email Newsletter Template Muklas Animals & Pets $17
Cloud Newsletter Template PennyBlackTemplates Hosting Templates $15
Domain Newsletter Template PennyBlackTemplates Domain Registrar Templates $15
Passion HTML Email + Online Builder Newsletter Template DynamicXX Email Services Templates $19
Holiday Newsletter Template Evethemes Travel Agency Templates $17
Christmas - Responsive Newsletter Template PennyBlackTemplates Fashion Templates $15
Conference - Responsive Newsletter Template PennyBlackTemplates Consulting Templates $15
Black Friday - Email Newsletter Template Fourdinos Fashion & Beauty $14
Corporate - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template Fourdinos Business & Services $15
Trends - Responsive Newsletter Template PennyBlackTemplates Email Services Templates $16
Agency - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template Fourdinos Business & Services $15
Shopping - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template Fourdinos Business & Services $15
Construction - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template Fourdinos Real Estate Templates $15
APP - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template Fourdinos Internet Templates $15
Gurun - Responsive Newsletter Template Muklas Animals & Pets $17
Pinkt - Responsive Newsletter Template Muklas Design & Photography $18
Fino - Responsive Newsletter Template PennyBlackTemplates Email Services Templates $17
Zuhra - Ecommerce Email Template Muklas Beauty Templates $17

Professional Business Email Template

专业商务电子邮件模板适用于任何类型的商业网站. Though it can be easily used in other spheres. 深色背景创建一个时尚的形象,并从最好的一面呈现你的内容. The template supports all major email clients, 使你更容易接触到你的客户,并引起对你产品的兴趣. This template is also featured in the collection of 15 Amazing Responsive Email Newsletter Templates.


Email Template for Business Solutions

The striking Email Template for Business Solutions with a light background and 1 column structure will give you an opportunity to organize your content highlighting all the important things. 响应式设计可以在任何屏幕上正确呈现文本和图像, 这就是为什么您的客户端使用任何设备都可以获得完美的数据表示.

Steven S.

Template lives up to expectations.
The template is easy to use and contains many great features.


Business Email Newsletter Template

This professional looking Business Email Newsletter Template will be a perfect fit for your company. 专为安防系统经销商,它也可以用于任何其他类型的业务. 由于完全响应式设计,这个模板在现代小工具上呈现得很好. It is compatible with a number of email systems. Whether you use AOL Mail, Apple Mail, Gmail App for Android (partly supported) or any other clients, your email will look the same perfect.

Bigica C.

It saved me a lot of time from designing one myself since it was for a frined and i was not charging him anything for it. I had the site up and running in under 2 hours so it was a good experience working with templatemonster.

Business Newsletter Template

This ambient Utex Business Email Template looks classy and professional. 它的设计相当保守,因此最适合企业风格的时事通讯. The dark background and 1 column structure will allow organizing your content in the best possible way. 此外,这个模板是兼容大多数现代电子邮件系统.

Jeppe K.

Simple, easy to edit and good-looking Newsletter template
I was in need of a Newsletter template for one of my customers. What they needed was a template showing their new products and initiatives, and similarly show their identity through the design of the newsletter.
I found this one, and did some smaller adjustements to make colours and layout fit perfect for my customer needs:
Starting on the project, after an easy download and install, I had a few questions about CSS and tables, 这是很快回答模板怪物网站使用实时聊天…
All in all a great success, both for me and for my customer 🙂


Business Email Template

The high-quality Business Email Template with a bright red background is perfect for dragging the attention of your customers to the information you want to share. Beautifully designed, it’s also Mailchimp 和Campaign Monitor随时准备帮助您使您的商业活动易于访问.

Marcello Savorani (Software Engineer & Security Consultant)

我对受影响产品的研究方法非常满意. Excellent implementation of the website. Finally are very professional technical support that has followed me in the various requirements about the products purchased. 它肯定会是我的参考点,一切有关的图形. With excellent technical support.


Professional Email Template for Business

Exclusive Professional Email Template for Business supports all major emails and ensures high quality, speed and accuracy of your website running. 响应式设计使它在手持设备的任何屏幕上看起来都很有吸引力. You can also easily edit the layout and add various graphic elements just in the Adobe editor.


Business Solutions Newsletter Template

弗吉尼亚是财务顾问最好的商业解决方案通讯模板. It has a lightweight design and a transparent texture that don't distract from the main content. Great choice of typography gives this item a professional feel. 多亏了完全分层的PSD文件,您可以轻松更改任何细节.


Finance Email Newsletter Template

这个金融电子邮件通讯模板最适合金融顾问机构. It looks clean and simple, yet this is exactly what you need for a business template to work. Flat minimalist icons look stylish and draw the attention to the most important parts of your content. This template is a Campaign Monitor and MailChimp Ready Template. Feel free to sent out your campaigns fast and easy!


Email Template for Business

The responsive Email Template for Business with a clean layout is perfect for any business adverts, giveaways and news. You can use a set of stock photos that are provided within the package to make your website more appealing. Template is MailChimp and Campaign Monitor ready helping you easily get into contact with your clients.

Harry P.

Great Template!
Nice layout bugs free template.


Consulting Responsive Newsletter Template

The foremost Consulting Responsive Newsletter Template is quite the thing for getting more subscriptions and leads. The responsive design and cross-browser compatibility will help your emails look great providing your clients with the best user-experience. 分层文件和包指南将帮助您轻松设置电子邮件的风格.


New Year Email Newsletter Template

New Year Email Newsletter Template


Century Email Newsletter Template

Century Email Newsletter Template


Cloud Newsletter Template

Cloud Newsletter Template


Domain Newsletter Template

Domain Newsletter Template


Passion HTML Email + Online Builder Newsletter Template

Passion HTML Email


Holiday Newsletter Template

Holiday Newsletter Template


Christmas - Responsive Newsletter Template

Christmas - Responsive Newsletter Template


Conference - Responsive Newsletter Template

Conference - Responsive Newsletter Template


Black Friday - Email Newsletter Template

Black Friday - Email Newsletter Template


Corporate - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template

Corporate - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template


Trends - Responsive Newsletter Template

Trends - Responsive Newsletter Template


Agency - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template

Agency - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template


Shopping - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template

Shopping - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template


Construction - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template

Construction - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template


APP - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template

APP - Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Template


Gurun - Responsive Newsletter Template

Gurun - Responsive Newsletter Template


Pinkt - Responsive Newsletter Template

Pinkt - Responsive Newsletter Template


Fino - Responsive Newsletter Template

Fino - Responsive Newsletter Template


Zuhra - Ecommerce Email Template

Zuhra - Ecommerce Email Template


4 Ways to Grow Your Email List

增加邮件列表是你在生意中应该做的最重要的事情之一. This is one of the true assets that you really own. 你的搜索流量可能会因为谷歌算法的微小变化而减少. Social media channels might disappear. We all know what happened to MySpace.

Email is also one of the best converting channels – it has higher open rates and click-through rates than social media. So it’s clear you should be growing your email list. But how do you it?

Create and give away valuable lead magnets:

Creating and offering valuable lead magnets is one of the best way to grow your email list.
But what type of lead magnet works best? The following 4 examples seem to work really well:

Guide – the most common things you can give away is a free ebook, a how-to guide that teach-es your audience how to solve a specific problem or reach a specific outcome.
The more specific your guides are, the better.

For example:

“How to make money online” is not very specific guide. 有很多问题没有答案,比如:赚多少钱,你怎么赚这些钱,等等. On the other hand, “How to make $10K/month by blogging” is very specific guide that would be relevant to much more people.

Content Upgrade/Cheat Sheetthe content upgrade is a very simple and effective way to grow your email list. It is easier and faster to create and most often – much more effective. Simply, because you’re offering something that’s much more relevant to your user to what he’s already reading. Imagine that people are reading a blog post on your own website. They really like that content and they’d implement all the things that you thought them to do. However, in order to do that they need to bookmark your page and come back to your site and read it again. It will be much easier and helpful for them if they have a checklist with all the important steps that they need to take in order to accomplish their goal.

You can offer this checklist inside your blog post like this:

WebinarsKISSmetrics has reported a 10% conversion rate for their web-sites. Which makes webinars one of the best ways to grow your email list fast.

They also tend to attract people who have a stronger intent into solving a particular problem. If you’re willing to spend 1 hour listening on a particular topic you can count that it’s probably really important for you. This means that you will tend to attract not only more but also higher quality leads from your webinar efforts as well. The good thing about webinars is that you can also invite guest speakers to run them so you don’t need to create the content of the webinar yourself.

Video training– the video format is one of the best ways to fully engage your audience. 问题是,如果时间太长,人们可能不会花时间去看. So don’t create a 7-day free courses or something like that. Focus on something that is easily consumable and your audience can watch and implement right away. So focus on creating videos that are no more than 1h long. Preferably no more than 30 minutes.

Place your opt-in forms/offers at the right place:

In order to convert as many visitors as you can from your blog, you’d need to place your opt-in forms or offers at the right place. 以下是我们和其他营销人员认为最适合的地方:

Top bar – the top bar stays on top of the page even when your visitors scroll down the page.

The good thing about it is that it sticks on one place and it is always visible by your visitors. This is where you can present your most desired offer and try to convert as many people as you can into your email list. Be sure to use advanced targeting and display different top bars depending on which blog post people are currently viewing. 这将使你的顶部栏更加相关,并将天空火箭你的转化率.

Sidebar – the sidebar is one of the 7 highest converting places forSocial Triggers.

这是期望看到一个选择加入的形式,并将寻找您最期望的报价. To make your sidebar stand out use contrasting colors. This will naturally drive the eyes of your visitors to look at it.

Inside blog post -除了我们已经描述过的黄框之外,你还可以使用嵌入表单. 你可以把它们放在页面的任何地方——在你的博客内容之前、之后或中间. Once again, use contrasting colors to make them stand out visually from the rest of the content.

Slide box– the slide box politely appears in the bottom right cornerwhen the user scrolls down the page. When the visitor closes it down, a cookie is set so it doesn’t show up again for a certain amount of time (that’s set up by the owner of the site – it could be anything from 1 day to 30 days). Buffer states that their slide box is one of their best converting opt-in forms – it accounts for 36.7% of their sign–ups.

Pop-up– exit intent popup is one of the best ways to convert your visitors just before they leave your site. This smart technology tracks the mouse cursor so it knows when someone is about to close the tab within the browser or click the back button. 在那一刻,退出意图被展示出来,呈现出一个有吸引力的选择加入提议. Converse Scientist report that 10 to 15% of lost visitors can be saved with exit intent popup forms. To maximize your conversions be sure to use advanced targeting and present offers that are relevant to content your visitor is viewing. 向所有人提供相同的报价会降低你的转化率.

Below blog post CTA– this is HubSpot’s best strategy for converting their blog visitors into email subscribers. Just below the blog post they place a call-to-action banner presenting an attractive offer to the visitor.

Create highly convertible landing page

通常你会把你的铅磁铁在一个特别设计的登陆页. In order to generate as many email subscribers as you can you will need to optimize them for higher conversions. Here’s how to do that:

Focus on the value proposition– the most important aspect of your landing page is the value proposition. What do you offer to your visitors so they will want to give you their email address in ex-change? You need this explain this in a way so that’s clear to them. 为了使价值主张有效,它必须适合访问者的需求. It must point that will help them accomplish their most desired goal or solve their biggest problem.

Have 1 clear call-to-action– your most desired action is to capture the email addresses of as many visitors as you can. So keep it that way. Avoid trying to offer sell them something or to promote another lead magnet on the same page. Your clear call-to-action should be get your lead magnet and that’s it.

Remove all distractions– additionally,to maximize conversionson your land-ing pageyou should remove all distracting links and buttons that can loosen the focus. Prefera-bly, remove your main and footer menus and all other navigation.

The focus of your user should be 100% on what you’re offering him in exchange for this email. 所以他应该只有两个选择-选择加入并获得免费的铅磁铁或离开.
Make it relevant to your visitor——你的访问者应该觉得你的登陆页是专门为他设计的. A simple way to do that is to add as many specificity as you can.

Who is this page for?

If you state “How to generate real estate leads from social media” this will be really relevant for real estate agents looking for expand on this channel. What will be the end result? “How to make $2,000/month as a copywriter” is a very specific outcome that beginner copywri-ters would be interested to learn. To make your landing page even more relevant to your visitors you should consider adding be-havior targeting based on their interests and the current content people are viewing on your website.

Use urgency– the rule of urgency states thatif something is available only for a limited amount of time, people will be more likely to take action and get it. 这就是为什么在限定时间内提供铅磁铁是一个明智的举动. That way the user will know that he needs to act now. This works incredibly well with webinars and free video trainings.

Drive traffic to your landing page

We have already mentioned how to use your website and blog to grow your email list by plac-ing your opt-in forms at the right places. 此外,您可以使用以下方法来吸引流量到您的登陆页面:

Facebook ads– Facebook provides you with a great way to target your au-dience and generate leads in a cost-effective way.

Target your ads based on:

  • Lookalike audience (insert your list of previous customers into Power editor and let Fa-cebook find similar audience to them)
  • Interests (segment users based on their interests, likes and changes on their timeline or profile)
  • 以下是提高Facebook广告点击率的最佳做法:
    Use a person, a baby or an animal on the photo
  • Use the word “Free” and your logo to get the attention of more people
  • Use contrasting colors to the Facebook branding – orange, green and red. Avoid white and blue
  • Using borders and shadows

AdWords-您可以使用Adwords轻松生成目标流量到您的登陆页面. That way you can also test and identify the best performing keywords for which to further optimize your site. It’s important to optimize your quality score because this allows you to decrease your CPC. That way in the long term with the same amount of budget you will be able to get more clicks and higher position in search (more clicks = more email subscribers) To increase your quality score:

  • Stop targeting junk keywords
  • Increase your bid

Use tools like SpyFu to dig deeper into the AdWords strategy of your competitors and steal their most profitable keywords.

YouTube– to generate leads from YouTube be sure to use clickable annota-tions within your videos pointing to your landing page.

Check out what Project Life Mastery are doing:


  • Verify your YouTube account
  • Have an account in good status
  • Add your site to Search Console

Then to add the annotation go to Video manager -> Creator Studio > Video Manager and select your video. Click the down arrow next to edit button and then annotations. 此外,你也可以在视频描述中添加登录页面的链接.


Growing an email list is a tough job and it requires a lot of dedication. You will need to get to know your audience better, test different lead magnets, opt-in forms, ways to drive traffic to your landing page, etc. A lot of the strategies that will try will fail, 有些方法可以很好地工作,你需要付出一些努力来提高性能. Remember to always be testing new ideas and concepts. That’s the path to success!

Email Listing Done Right: an Ultimate Guide from Template og体育首页


What is a business email template?

这是一封预先设计好的电子邮件,您可以编辑并发送给客户和合作伙伴. The template doesn’t contain text but an attractive design.

Why do I need an email template?

The professionally designed letter will make a much better impression on the receiver than just a simple text. If you want to amuse the client – the template will help you.

Is email marketing even efficient nowadays?

You may be surprised but yes, it is. 很多人仍然会经常查看他们的邮箱,阅读你寄来的信.

Read Also

How to Write an Effective Follow-Up Email After No Response

8 Free WordPress Email Marketing Plugins for Your Blog

How AMP Technology Can Upgrade Your Email Campaigns

Why Any Business No Matter the Size Needs Email Marketing

Don’t miss out these all-time favourites

  1. The best hosting for a WordPress website. Tap our link to get the best price on the market with 82% off. If HostPapa didn’t impress you check out other alternatives.
  2. Website Installation service - to get your template up and running within just 6 hours without hassle. No minute is wasted and the work is going.
  3. ONE Membership - to download unlimited number of WordPress themes, plugins, ppt and other products within one license. Since bigger is always better.
  4. Ready-to-Use Website service is the ultimate solution that includes full template installation & configuration, content integration, implementation of must-have plugins, security features and Extended on-page SEO optimization. A team of developers will do all the work for you.
  5. Must-Have WordPress Plugins - to get the most essential plugins for your website in one bundle. All plugins will be installed, activated and checked for proper functioning. 
  6. Finest Stock Images for Websites - to create amazing visuals. You’ll get access to to choose 15 images with unlimited topic and size selection.
  7. SSL Certificate Creation service - to get the absolute trust of your website visitors. Comodo Certificate is the most reliable http protocol that ensures users data safety against cyber attacks. 
  8. Website speed optimization service - to increase UX of your site and get a better Google PageSpeed score.

Irene Fatyanova

Irene is a content writer who loves reporting on the latest web design and online marketing trends, WordPress and eCommerce solutions. Apart from writing tech articles, she’s keen on photography and has a couple of cool Photoshop image retouching tricks up her sleeve. You can connect with Irene on Twitter.

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